Updated bookshelf search streamlines B2B online catalogs experience

Dirxion customer Barnett recently implemented the updated library search function, which allows customers to choose whether or not they want to search through their current catalog or the entire catalog. The previous version of the search feature would require two different tabs: one to search the catalog and a separate one to search through the entire library.

The library search feature was originally designed to streamline the catalog shopping experience. B2B e-commerce consumers respond positively to an easy-to-use shopping experience, raising the probability they’ll convert to a loyal consumer. According to E-Commerce B2B, 76 percent of customers say the most important factor in a website’s design is that “the website makes it easy for me to find what I want.”

The updated bookshelf feature empowers consumers and aids them through the research process of B2B buying. Usability Geek describes the relationship between design and consumers as being “more focused around the content and information, making sure the user stays informed throughout their entire journey.” With the large quantities of data involved with B2B e-commerce, it’s important to implement features that allow new and seasoned consumers alike to navigate online catalogs with ease.

Product research has increasingly shifted online. Forrester estimates74 percent of B2B buyers research half or more of their work purchases online. But consumers aren’t just researching in a singular place. While Google remains the most popular option for purchase research, consumers will go to multiple points in the web to compare prices, products and other deciding factors. Empowering consumers and giving them the tools to conduct their own research in an easy-to-use and streamlined way increases the likelihood of converting new customers to returning, loyal ones.

Dirxion has consistently been the leading innovator in the online catalogs industry. As the first company to move their online catalogs to HTML5, Dirxion has since then never ceased to set precedents and industry standards for the online catalogs experience. With Dirxion features such as Quick View integration, minimal UI and, most recently, an improved library search, Dirxion has continued its tradition of industry revolution and the promise of delivering a personalized, on-brand online catalog.