Why You Should Create a Magazine Online

create a magazine online

You would think that with the way the digital age has progressed, magazines would be falling out of favor. Surprisingly, the number of magazine readers in the United States stayed around the 220 million mark from 2016 until now. There are currently more magazine readers than there were a decade ago!

The increase and stability of magazine readers has a lot to do with the increase in magazine publishers. There has been a steady increase in magazine publishers since 2017. Niche hobbies and areas of interest continue to grow, which increases the opportunity to develop and publish magazines around those topics.

Not only have publishers increased, but the quality of content in many magazines has remained high. Magazine photography continues to impress, as does the quality of the writing. They say we’re in a golden age of television, well we might be in a golden age of magazines too.

Digital magazine and newspaper user bases and revenue are expected to continue to increase over the coming years. This means more competitors will create a digital publication and utilize an online magazine creator. Because of that, and many other reasons, we recommend you create a digital magazine with Dirxion.

You Can Expand Your Audience

The main purpose of a digital magazine is to expand your audience and grow your reader base. Even though you might have many people reading your physical edition, creating a digital version will only grow that number. There wouldn’t be an instance where adding an online version of your magazine will cause you to lose readers.

You now have access to readers all over the country and can get them your product in an instant. Your magazine will have a larger online presence. This will make it easier for new readers to locate and access your magazine. Readers will be able to look through your magazine immediately rather than needing to go to a store to find it.

Increase Reach for Advertisers

Because your magazine audience will expand, that also means that advertising opportunities will increase. You will be able to measure metrics like page views and traffic; this might only apply to a magazine we create. You can sell additional advertising space on top of what you’re already doing for your physical version. Having your top advertisers sponsor the digital version of the magazine or sections of the magazine is a good way to support them. There is a variety of ad types such as interstitial and banner ads.

Several Reader Benefits

Last, but certainly not least, are the features that benefit your readers. Society continues to function at a quicker pace, and that can affect our ability to read physical media.

The ability for a reader to access your magazine from anywhere in the world is a big plus. They can keep your magazine on their phone in their pocket rather than needing to carry around the print publication. We want readers to enjoy your publication even when they’re not at home.

Some features and functions are only possible with an online magazine. In addition to the included photos, you can embed videos into your magazine to make your content even more engaging. This gives them an enjoyable reading and viewing experience. Readers can also access embedded links to take them to other places of interest, whether it be an advertiser website or extra information about an article.

Something only we provide is the ability to access previous editions utilizing our calendar feature. This provides first-time users with some discovery of past issues that were missed. There is also a search function that compliments the calendar feature. The searchable archive offers a keyword search of all previous editions, giving readers the tools to find specific information. With everybody being on their devices so frequently throughout the day, they should have the ability to access your magazine online as well.

Things to Watch Out For

Adding an e-version of your magazine comes with changes that you should be aware of. While starting an online magazine is beneficial, not adapting how you run things may lead to issues.

It’s important to realize that you’ll be adding in an entirely new traffic stream and your circulation will increase. This means you might need to make adjustments internally to make sure all readers are taken care of. An increase in digital readers might also increase your physical magazine reader base.

You will also need to develop a new marketing strategy. Even though you have advertisers for your print magazine, you’ll need to determine how they might fit in digitally. It’s also likely that you need more advertisers.

Your online audience might be different from your print audience, and in turn, you’ll want to find relevant advertisers. Work with your advertisers so that they can create content that fits your new medium. Finally, if you create a magazine online, you need to ensure your release schedule remains consistent and reliable. Schedule blips or late releases might make your digital magazine irrelevant. You’ll want to make sure that your team is equipped and ready when it comes time to send out your magazine.

Create a Digital Magazine With Dirxion Today

Creating a high-quality digital version of your magazine is a huge growth opportunity, whether it be an increase in advertiser spend or an increase in reader base. There are some platforms and software out there where you can create a DIY magazine, but nobody will give you the functionality that Dirxion does.

We’ll develop an exact digital version of your print magazine template so that there is no doubt that the magazine is coming from you. Consistency is one of the reasons our focus is on developing digital magazines for already existing publications. Custom typography, icons and colors are standard for all customers so your magazine can look exactly as you want it.

Dirxion also makes it so that the interactivity of your digital publications function on desktop, tablets and smartphones. This gives readers the ability to access your content from anywhere.

We also provide email services so that readers can receive an email notification when a new issue of your magazine is published. Digital magazines can be published immediately, through a recurring schedule, or at a specified date and time. These are features you likely won’t find with an online magazine maker. Whether you have a paid or free magazine, Contact Dirxion today and let’s create an online magazine together!