What is an Interactive Catalog?

Interactive catalogs, as their name implies, provide additional ways for your consumers to interact with your product collection that traditional catalogs just can’t match. Whether your business is primarily retail or B2B, interactive catalogs are a great way to boost sales while setting yourself apart from the competition. Learn the benefits of interactive catalogs, and how easy they are to make, from the experts at Dirxion in our comprehensive guide to interactive catalogs.

How Are Interactive Catalog Designs Different from Traditional Catalogs?

Simply put, traditional catalogs are made to fulfill a single purpose: To act as a list of your current product offerings to a potential buyer. Even some forms of digital catalogs are nothing more than repositories of product information. However, an online catalog allows you to take advantage of certain functionalities that print catalogs can’t offer. Many of these functions revolve around interactivity.

Rather than being a simple list of offered products, interactive catalogs create an engaging commerce experience that allows you to show off your products while increasing sales. Interactive catalogs can include improvements to navigation that allows users to click product listing URLs directly within the catalog to head directly to related product pages within a catalog. Outside of navigation, interactive catalogs can let you expand product descriptions to include videos, 3D models, or even demos of how to use a particular product. eCommerce forms build directly into the listing that allows users to convert right on the page, or the ability to easily curate and share listings on social media or over email.

The Benefits of Interactive Catalogs

Interactive catalogs aren’t just fundamentally different than traditional catalogs. They also offer a lot of advantages too. Here is a list of common benefits your business can expect to see after switching to interactive catalogs.

Better User Engagement

The entire purpose behind interactive catalogs in the first place is to increase user engagement with your products. From the inclusion of eye-catching videos and image galleries to quality-of-life changes like easier navigation, interactive catalogs are filled with features meant to keep users on your pages longer and build greater interest in your product line.

Increase Reach with Shareability

Similar to most digital catalogs, interactive catalogs offer features that allow users to share product listings with others. However, interactive catalogs often take this one step further with features built right into the catalog that allow users to send listings or groups of listings to their friends, co-workers and family with zero hassle. This can take the form of a custom share link, social media widgets, or in the case of Dirxion’s MyCatalog, unique and custom-curated collections (more on this later).

More Sales Data

If your business isn’t capitalizing on purchase data, you’re not making the most of your purchases. Interactive catalogs make tracking the consumer journey easier than ever before. With so many new ways for users to interact with your product content, it’s no surprise there’s also an opportunity to add more analytics to every new button and function. From product video views to social media shares, interactive catalogs can help you get a deeper glimpse into how users navigate through and ultimately decide to buy from your product listings.

Increased Sales

At the end of the day, a good catalog design should encourage users to convert more often. Where traditional catalogs require users to take extra steps to purchase products, interactive catalogs can incorporate an order form or add-to-cart function right on the product page. This takes a conversion process that used to be several steps long and allows it to occur in just a few clicks.

Why Should You Trust Dirxion with Your Interactive Catalog?

As with any online catalog, choosing the right platform can be the difference between sales and suffering. It might be tempting to pick one of those DIY catalog creator softwares out there. However, you won’t the same features and support you get with Dirxion. Your business sells great products, so why would you choose to showcase them in anything other than an outstanding platform?

With Dirxion, creating and hosting an online interactive catalog is easy. All you have to do is:

  1. Send us a copy of your current catalog PDF
  2. Give us a list of SKUs to match with the products
  3. Tell us what features you want to include
  4. Send us any videos or other content you want to be associated with your product pages
  5. We do the rest!

At Dirxion, we pride ourselves on providing industry-leading catalog solutions that showcase your business’s best side. We’ll work with you to create a branded interactive buying experience that will delight and excite your customers. Our in-house development staff has years of experience creating stand-out eCommerce solutions to meet the unique needs of a variety of businesses and industries. The best part is, we do all of the heavy lifting. We’ll even create a unique catalog URL and host it for you.

MyCatalog: The Dirxion Difference

MyCatalog, by Dirxion, is the digital standard in online catalog experiences. Our unique platform allows users to find and create unique product collections from your offerings, save them and organize them in a useful format, and then convert them into a PDF that is easily shareable with co-workers and friends.

With MyCatalog, users can save, share and return later to content they’ve identified with their interests for an even better user-centered experience. No other catalog software on the market offers this level of customization in your shopping experience. That’s why Dirxion is the industry standard setter in online and interactive product catalogs.

Partner with Dirxion for an Unrivaled Shopping Experience

With more and more businesses turning to eCommerce to sell their product inventory, it takes something memorable to stand out to potential clients. There’s never been a better time to switch to an interactive digital catalog.

Dirxion has over 27 years of experience offering full-service, completely branded interactive catalog services to companies in a variety of industries. We employ a full team of developers to make sure your catalog is constantly maintained and updated with the latest in digital eCommerce solutions.

Have unique requirements? Chances are we’ve seen it. And if we haven’t, our team of expert developers has no problem helping you create a unique digital experience your customers will love. Contact Dirxion today and let’s create a product-buying experience your clients won’t forget!